Over a cup of coffee...
Over a cup of coffee...
Over a Cup of Coffee: 2022 Resolutions
“New Year's Eve is a great time to think about making a resolution to change a behavior, improve upon a practice, or to start something new. Most people don't keep their resolutions very far into the year, but there's no reason to wait until Dec 31st to reboot.” ~ Dana Perino
Small positive goals spread across time become healthy habits. We all fall, and we all make mistakes. You can always regroup and recommit to your resolution at any time. Follow this episode of “Over a Cup of Coffee” as Jamie and Addie visit about their ambitions for 2022 and their personal tools to refocus and stay on track.
Stressors from last year can resurface and add to your current stress. The New Mexico Peer to Peer Warmline is always available if you find yourself overwhelmed, lonely, isolated, or withdrawn and need someone to talk to about mental health, substance abuse, or recovery. You can find a person who understands and cares at 1-855-466-7100.